Thursday, November 5, 2009
The challenges for my discipline on the technology is very all, because I think that the all areas of human science on the investigation area, with the internet can made papers put it on internet and with their students, and professionals and of the some discipline and share knowledge and at the some way the competetion entre them is more obvious because because the partner of the discipline all over the world don't have excuse to made shorts investigation at put it on internet as papers, because now the professional is also valued becuase of those works. On the social challenge I think (in my ignorance) that is the same at least here in Chile because we as a discipline are unkown, so the sociaty on this world that the job have to contribute m on the develoment on the nation we don't con to much, on their eyes so the challenge for my is that the people realize that the problem of don't have an identidy is because our production and history of art on Chile is very poor, I can say that we don't had history of art, and the coincidence of this problem with USA is the same, they also had a problem with their identidy so they take products of Europe, and made them their own. So the pragmatist vision of life, with the view on the compensation of money, at the life for work and after that had a real life, on the retire, made us see the human science as art like a thing that doesn't work. The challenge on the Education is related with the social problem. The problem of the aesthetics education, the learning of feeling, on this time we had to use instruments that made us feel, like the people how drive in a hight speed on their car, or the guys who are in motocycle in a hight speed, those machine madethem feel things, but when the people goes to the see some "art" they get bored because thay can feel, is too hard, that is way the show business is so sucessful, the people had to feel outside of their self.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sect, quite scary....
I think that the people find sects appealing because the people who belong to sects do things that ordinary people like me don't know and we only can imagine. Also is very interesting because the sects are a very old "thing". The Christians are an example of a sect, because the origin of them is the Judaism religion and a part of
That religion forms a group that broke with the Judaism religion. That group will be known as the sect.
But is also other sect as know the Ku Klux Klan. That sect is famous, and know is part of the pop culture, you can ask every one if they know that sect and if you ask them or if you ask me who are they, the common answer that they were a group of man that wear white robe and a white hood that also cover their faces, and the other people that don't belong to the sect couldn't recognize. This people killed colour people, because they hated them. I f you ask me what is a sect, immediately appear on my mind the Ku Klux Klan. I said that they belong to the pop culture because they appear on the movies, on novels; they are (with Hitler) what the pop culture call the incarnation of evil. I don't have much knowledge about what a sect means really or the Ku Klux Klan's believes, but I think that this group of people don't have tolerance for the rest of the humanity; they had misinterpreted the bible (Because they love God)
The ignorance is very powerful as we can see on this people; they are an example of what the irrational mind can do.
That religion forms a group that broke with the Judaism religion. That group will be known as the sect.
But is also other sect as know the Ku Klux Klan. That sect is famous, and know is part of the pop culture, you can ask every one if they know that sect and if you ask them or if you ask me who are they, the common answer that they were a group of man that wear white robe and a white hood that also cover their faces, and the other people that don't belong to the sect couldn't recognize. This people killed colour people, because they hated them. I f you ask me what is a sect, immediately appear on my mind the Ku Klux Klan. I said that they belong to the pop culture because they appear on the movies, on novels; they are (with Hitler) what the pop culture call the incarnation of evil. I don't have much knowledge about what a sect means really or the Ku Klux Klan's believes, but I think that this group of people don't have tolerance for the rest of the humanity; they had misinterpreted the bible (Because they love God)
The ignorance is very powerful as we can see on this people; they are an example of what the irrational mind can do.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My faculty
My faculty, in the Juan Gomez milla is poor in the infrastructure and in the architecture, for example the English park is a path that is made of wood, for the rain had distorted the wood and that is uncomfortable to walk on by, because you can stumble. There is a person who works on the faculty and she hurt her ankle, she had to stays at home with a medical license. The material of path could be chance for other more save and comfortable to walk, and more durable that wood, maybe metal, or cement, or I don’t know.... but there must be change.
Also the bath rooms, at last the woman's bath room, isn't very pretty, because there is just one bath room and is quite small, so doesn't keep very clean. The bath room is too hide, this is in the end of the faculty. Could be more that one bath room.
When rains the water get filter into the English class room, and sometimes in others class rooms too. When rains I realize that there aren't to many spaces for take shelter of the rain and also the cold on winter, maybe we need more spaces covered with a roof, also for the hot on summer, for been more comfortable in the faculty, and of course we need a bigger library, is quite small, sometimes is full of people and there isn't too many space to study, but also because of this small space isn't too confortable to study because we can hear the group of people how are talking are doing a group home work.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I'm chilean

I'm gonna to talk you about a comment that I had from a brazilian four years ago. I was in high school on a trip with my classmates on Brasil and this guy who made the tour says that the chileans are: very shy people, but in a bad way because when we were in a group of people, like friends, we took personality and laugh of the other people, or made unpleasant comments of them. Also there is the comment of Ominani who said "that been a chilean is a tragedy". I love my country and all that ... but my family and I lived something like that comment of Ominami when we arrive from Brasil after almost 8 years, I was very little but I felt that kind of envy from "the chilean people". The first year of school was hard because the girls (but not the boys) were cruel. Mom and dad experiment the envy of there old friends, but envy of what? I don't know. A friend of my dad who was chilean but settle in England come to visit us and said the some comment of Ominami. So that is the awful truth, isn't? We' are envious people. But also we had good things. The prank of the chilean, when the chilean is in an other country knows how to take advantage of the earliest apportunity. We are very good host when a foreigner come to visit our country, also we are good to makes jokes.
I don't know how present are our roots. My mom is from the north of Chile, and for me the roots that I have are from the history and culture of the mining people, the desert, and that but also I fell the love from the history of Brazil culture and history, so I don't really know .... I don't fell the roots from the people of the south of chile and to the problems of the indigenous from Arauco.
I thing that our roots are more farway from us compared to other countries of Chile. Maybe because we are divide from the rest of America because of the range of the Andes, and we're almost lonely, and for that reason the history of our country are insolated, and we don't really cultivate are roots in general. I knew Pablo neruda poem's from a song of a brazilian group, and the people on the rest of the world know us because of Pinochet, and the return of the democracy, and of course Salvador Allende, I don't know if that is good or bad, some people admired us, for that we had the respect from other countries, because we choose the democracy, when I travel I said that I'm from Chile the people said, Pinochet!, Allende! but I like when they said Bachelet, the woman president!
Thursday, September 24, 2009

I would show to the visit the centre of Santiago, because I think that is interesting how differents forms of culture had a reunion on one tinny place, the different smells of food, pollution, and of course people is the principal memories that the people had of Santiago, for some people is nice and for the majority is not a good impression but is our culture. I would take them to the municipal theatre to hear some beautiful music, and dancing. Also I would take them to the CCPM because in that place the government exposit it the official art of our country, then I would take him to visit the Palacio de La Moneda because you can visit the principal city of a country with out know in the politic history. Then I would take hem to walk to Plaza de Armas and the cathedral.
I would like that the visit compared the colonial ascendant of our city that is for me not very appreciated for us. Also I would take them to the mount of San Cristobal and Santa Lucia and see Santiago from other panoramic, and because in those places we can see the vegetation and also bread fresh air, that is quite amazing in this city, and this will show to the tourist that in Santiago you can find almost everything, even fresh air and a silence place, at also to see that in Santiago we can feel that we’are not in the city. Also I my visitor can visit the Museo de Bellas Artes, because I study that thing......and the visitor must know Plaza ñuñoa near from my department, there is very nice in the afternoon because you can walk on he Plaza, you can eat ice cream, ride your bike, is very peaceful. On the night you can find greats restaurants or bars, whatever you want to do with your frinds..........
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The biggest Avant garde.............SALVADOR DALI

I wanna talk about not of my favourite avant garde but of the biggest artist of the surrealism.
My favourite avant garde is surrealism and inside that I LOVE the work of Salvador Dali. For me it's really hard choose what is my favourite work of Dali. But if I have to choose I will have to say that my “favourite” is Millet's Architectonic Angelus, because for me it's beautiful how Dalí quotes to Millet and abstract to the figures of the painting, in Dali’s work the figures are like bulkys, for me the figures of Millet spend the all eternity praying but nothing change. Now the formers are like rocks for the eternity of the times. Why it's ahead of the majority? Because Dali was a piece of art himself. In his work he quotes the works of artists of the past, and gives them other dimension, but the primary essential it still there on his work. Dalí says that he was nothing compared to Velasquez but he was bigger compared to the contemporary modern painters, also declared to the media disgusting and almost unnatural things about his sexual desires and erotics dreams that disconcert the critics and the public, he was considered a crazy person but a genius. What lustred his madness is this history: he has a girl friend in his adult life, but they couldn’t visit each other if they don’t sed an invitation, if one of them went to visit without an invitation they couldn’t receive the visit.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I have no idea how was the old transantiago system, But were I live is very conforble, I have no complain at all. But the always complain about it, but I think that with the bip system the armed robbery of the driver of the bus had been remove, that is good for there familys isn't? and the drivers are sometimes rude and sometimes nice, but She santiego is a stressful city, so there isn't odd that the people became rude. In my town there are buses and taxis like minibus, and the normally use the taxi cab because the buses are very old and dengerous for old people. Ther is not compared with the transantiego that looks like an airplane compared with that buses. I don't no really what are the problems with the transantiago I have no one, so there is no much to say,... maybe there is a problem with the city distribution, but how so ever the people of santiago went goes to the provice they say: "oh!! santiago is so much fast!!! is better there!!!" I don't understand!!!
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