Saturday, May 30, 2009

My best friend

That is a very delicate matter because my friends are gonna to read this post and they are gonna be mad with me if I choose one. Well I'm gonna to say that me best friend is.....(I'm gonna to be diplomatic) me Amanda Flores (my mom). YEAHHH! She is my best friend. Well... I had known her my all life, of course. She graduated as a mother the same day to the same tiemp that I gradueted of daughter. We have everythig in common, we love the chocolate, we like ride our bike, go to the beach, we love swim, ad made our owm clothes, we like read a lot and talk about what we think about the reading and write. We enjoy to know everything about arts and culture, and we love cook specially cook together, and a lotof stuff super fun (at least for us).
What make us differents is that we are mother and daughter, that in spite of our age difference we lke to do the same things, specially together, almost all the people I known don´t like to be with their mom, I think that is quite sad because I can't imagine to be more that a week with out speak withe her.
Of course we had more that one big arguement, but right known I can't remember why we had arguements....mmm no, I DON'T REMEMBER, on the least time we didn´t had an arguement, maybe when I was more little but not known.


  1. Hello!
    ohh, love's mother (L)
    I love my mother too, but when don't when we are near ajja.
    Your decision is so diplomatic
    see u :)

  2. Gabriela, I understand you a lot because I adore my mother. You have good luck because not all the people have a relation with their mothers like that.

  3. oohhh that is a very sweet confession!! i hope your mother said the same thing i sure she does

  4. To have a mother like yours, like my, is one of the most beautiful gifts in the life.

    See you on class, Maca.
