Friday, May 15, 2009

Web site

I don't have a favourite Web site, because I almost never get into the internet. But I like the movies a lot and if I want to download a movie I go to On that web site I can fine the movies I like very quickly, I think that's the only one. OH NO! and I like wikipedia, because in that page I can fine information that I can use like a guide to my look on the books. The firts web that I was spoken I fined because my brother toll me about it. I was sixteen ( I believe) the first time a used. When I was in high school I used more often, but now I don't used so much, maybe because I have more things to do know, and I don't watch all the movies that woul like to see.
The wikipedia web side I also discovered in high school, I don't remember how I discovered, Maybe I discovered when I was doing a homework. I don't used too used either, because like I said I almost never get into the internet. Wikipedia is special because all the people can put information in there so all the people around the world can write for that web side, so you can fine what you want, but the for some is dangerous because the people can send wrong information too, so is better no used. Well I think that all I can said, is quite boring this post, Isn't? I don't really know to much about it. That's all folks!!!


  1. hey gabi !
    i can tell that you almost never use internet! you are a freak girl ( or maybe you had a life that's much more fun than to be in front of the computer jej)

  2. PS: do you Remember - - the fat boy ?

  3. jajaj wikipedia is great!!
    is very useful when you want to know things quickly, but of course books are better to learn... or not?

  4. Hi Gabi, I always look at wikipedia web site too, because the page have concret and cronologycal information, but I only can use for that purpose, because you can't find relevan info there: is very reliable.

    Good luck and see you :)
